

To use BNSL, first download it using git:

(.venv) $ git clone

Load Data

Pandas is a fast, powerful, flexible and easy to use open source data analysis and manipulation tool, we use pandas to manipulate data.


In the whole library, we use pd.DataFrame as data input, don’t change it into any other format.

import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv(r"./datasets/asian/Asian.csv")

Choose your favorite estimator

BNSL provides several up-to-dated Bayesian network structure learning estimator, e.g., Hill climb, genetic algorithm… Let’s take Hill climb estimator for example. it greedily search possible operations based on hill climb strategy. It is the most common used score-based algorithm.

from bnsl.estimators import HC
hc = HC(data)

Congratulations, you have initialized an estimator.

Please check bnsl.estimators module for more estimators.

Run the estimator

Every estiamtor has function run(), use it straightly with default configuration.
print("Structure learning Done!")

Visualize and store dag result

After running, the estimator will save the DAG instance in hc.result. Then you can use show() to visualize the dag, and to_csv() to story the dag.

dag = hc.result